Using Whole School Cluster Grouping to Differentiate Instruction More Effectively in Elementary Schools: A Guide for Administrators and Teachers

Type: Article
Topics: Curriculum & Assessment, Early Learning, Journal of Scholarship and Practice

June 01, 2017

Given the wide range of ability (academic, linguistic and cultural) in classrooms differentiated instruction is often difficult to manage. District and building level leadership can play an important role by providing the vision and support needed to implement Whole School Cluster Grouping (WSCG), the innovative scheduling approach described in this paper. This paper describes the wide variation in grouping practices across schools and the challenges that continue to exist when differentiated instruction is not managed with fidelity. It then describes how WSCG, a scheduling approach that was developed to serve gifted students, can be used to provide the “good stuff” to all students. Finally, it presents a three step process, with illustrative examples, that administrators and teachers can use to identify, manage, and evaluate the effectiveness of the approach.

Tanya H. Morret, MEd
Statewide Gifted Liaison for Pennsylvania
Capital Area Intermediate Unit
Boiling Springs, PA

Crystal H. Machado, EdD
Associate Professor
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana, PA



