The Leading Edge: Policy & Advocacy Blog
The Leading Edge, AASA's policy & advocacy blog, provides up-to-date information about activities in Washington, D.C. and Capitol Hill that affect you and your school district.
Topics include new or proposed regulations and federal policies, federal funding updates and opportunities, advocacy resources and more.
Latest Posts
November 15, 2023
FY2024: Avoiding a Shutdown But Still Not FundedIn a whirlwind of activity on Tuesday, the House passed (in a bipartisan manner) a continuing resolution (CR) that extends government funding at current levels for four appropriations bills through January 18 and for the other eight through February 2.
November 14, 2023
AASA Joins Six National Organizations in Joint Letter Opposing House FY24 Funding BillAASA joined six national education associations in a letter to the House of Representatives expressing STRONG OPPOSITION to the Republican FY24 funding proposal.
November 14, 2023
USED Announces New Tools to Tackle Antisemitism, Islamophobia, and Related Forms of Discrimination and BiasUSED released new tools today.
November 09, 2023
ESSER in Action in Iowa: Dial M for MarshalltownAASA, The School Superintendents Association, is launching a series, ESSER in Action, highlighting how COVID-19 relief funds are making an impact across the country.
November 09, 2023
Guest Post: Making the Most of Your Summer Fun(ds)— Putting Together the Pieces of Your Summer Program PuzzleThis is the sixth installment of the Summer Funds series with AASA President Gladys Cruz.
November 09, 2023
FCC Announces Proposal to Allow E-Rate Dollars to Cover Hot SpotsFCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel moved forward with the second part of her Learn Without Limits Initiative.
November 08, 2023
AASA Files Comments in Response to Dept of Labor Proposed Changes to OvertimeAASA joined Association of Educational Service Agencies and Association of School Business Officials International in a joint letter responding to Department of Labor’s proposed changes to the overtime rules.
November 07, 2023
ED Releases Dear Colleague on Protecting Students Against DiscriminationToday, the Department of Education released a Dear Colleague letter to remind schools of their legal obligation to address discrimination, including harassment.
November 03, 2023
Call to Action: FY24 Appropriations (Again)No, you’re NOT making this up. We are once again applying pressure to Congress to complete their funding work for federal fiscal year 2024 (FY24), federal dollars that will be in your schools for the 2024-25 school year.
November 02, 2023
The Advocate November 2023: AI, Cyber, and E-Rate, Oh My!We are using this month’s edition of The Advocate to provide a quick recap and update on all things connectivity, student data and privacy, cybersecurity and artificial intelligence.
November 02, 2023
White House Releases Executive Order on Artificial IntelligenceEarlier this week, the White House released an executive order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence.
October 27, 2023
Survey Help: Impacts of Superintendent TurnoverAs part of our broader work to better understand and illustrate the reality of today’s superintendents, we are proud to partner with Dr. Rachel S. White.
October 26, 2023
We Have a Speaker... Now What?After almost three weeks without a Speaker, The House of Representatives elected Congressman Mike Johnson (R-LA) to serve as the chamber's leader. Now what?
October 25, 2023
AASA Signs Letter Urging Department of Labor to Withdraw Overtime RulemakingEarlier this week, AASA jointed 87 organizations representing private, public, nonprofit, and educational entities sent letters to House and Senate lawmakers.
October 19, 2023
SETDA Releases Cybersecurity Resource for Rural DistrictsSETDA released a cybersecurity resource focused on small, rural, and under-resourced districts, developed by SETDA's Cybersecurity & Privacy Collaborative.
Latest Advocacy & Policy Resources
February 27, 2025
PEP Talk Episode 36: School Voucher Update 2025Type:Podcast Topics: Advocacy & Policy, District & School OperationsOn this episode of PEP Talk: Kat Sturdevant gets a much anticipated update from Sasha Pudelski, AASA's Director of Advocacy on where the voucher movement currently stands in a new year and a new administration. -
February 21, 2025
Navigating the Federal Policy LandscapeType:Webinar Recording Topics: Advocacy & Policy, Legal MattersJoin us for the latest insights from EAB’s Federal Policy Navigation team and leave with a discrete set of critical questions to discuss and act on with your team. -
January 23, 2025
PEP Talk Episode 35: The Cost of Divisive Conflict on School Districts and SuperintendentsType:Podcast Topics: Advocacy & Policy, Board Relations, Communications & Public RelationsOn this episode of PEP Talk: Noelle Ellerson Ng interviews Dr. Rachel S. White, Associate Professor, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy at the University of Texas at Austin College of Education about a new report from The Superintendent Lab.
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