College- Career- and Life-Readiness Resources
Resources on preparing students for what comes after high school graduation. Includes Redefining Ready! college- career- and life readiness tools.
August 01, 2018
Global Internships in SanduskyType:Article Topics: College- Career- and Life-ReadinessWith area factories gone, a district devises a senior-year program delivering soft skills alongside worksite credentials in newly relevant fields -
February 05, 2021
School Discipline: Dismantle the Pre-K to Prison PipelineType:Toolkit Topics: College- Career- and Life-Readiness, District & School Operations, EquityAASA & the Children’s Defense Fund examine how and why districts use out-of-school suspension, the revision of discipline policies and efforts underway to create positive school climates to reduce discipline disparities. -
November 01, 2020
Case Study: The Cherry Creek Innovation CampusType:Case Study Topics: College- Career- and Life-Readiness, Curriculum & AssessmentA unique district facility housing an array of career pathway programs closely aligned with the employment and priority needs of local, state, and national businesses and corporations. -
November 01, 2020
Case Study: Denver Public Schools CareerConnect Apprenticeship ProgramType:Case Study Topics: College- Career- and Life-Readiness, Curriculum & AssessmentAn immersive three-year experience in which students work for a company while attending school, gaining hands-on experience as an employee. -
November 01, 2020
Case Study: Tech Ready Apprenticeships for Careers in Kentucky (TRACK)Type:Case Study Topics: College- Career- and Life-Readiness, Curriculum & AssessmentTRACK provides secondary students with career pathway opportunities into Registered Apprenticeship programs. -
November 01, 2020
Case Study: Olympic High School - Advanced Manufacturing and EngineeringType:Case Study Topics: College- Career- and Life-Readiness, Curriculum & AssessmentAn award-winning career pathway academy designed to teach students about manufacturing processes, product design, robotics, and automation. -
November 01, 2020
Youth Apprenticeships ToolkitType:Toolkit Topics: College- Career- and Life-Readiness, Curriculum & Assessment, District & School OperationsThis kit provides resources for secondary school and community college administrators to advocate for and build apprenticeship programs of their own. -
September 01, 2020
A Model for Promoting Student VotingType:Article Topics: College- Career- and Life-ReadinessA school district in North Carolina launched a comprehensive voter education program -
August 28, 2020
K-8 Framework Readiness IndicatorsType:Fact Sheet Topics: College- Career- and Life-Readiness, Curriculum & AssessmentThis fact sheet highlights key factors of AASA’s K-8 Framework Readiness Indicators. -
January 01, 2020
Blurring the Lines for Student BenefitType:Article Topics: College- Career- and Life-ReadinessCommunity college and school system leaders no longer line up on opposite sides. -
August 01, 2016
Counseling Leadership in College ReadinessType:Article Topics: College- Career- and Life-ReadinessThe author studied how a school district's socioeconomic profile affects the way counseling leadership addresses college admissions work with students and families. -
November 01, 2019
Paving New Avenues for Career TrainingType:Article Topics: College- Career- and Life-ReadinessTaking alternate schooling paths to awaiting skilled jobs. -
October 01, 2019
The Making of a Networked SchoolType:Article Topics: College- Career- and Life-ReadinessAs personal connections influence post-graduation life, school districts are exposing students to wider career options -
June 01, 2019
Helping Students Find a PurposeType:Article Topics: College- Career- and Life-ReadinessA purpose creates a desire to learn as soon as the student realizes that certain knowledge and skills are necessary -
June 01, 2019
Economic Reconsideration of the College TrackType:Article Topics: College- Career- and Life-ReadinessPromoting alternate post-secondary pathways for the 60 percent of high school grads unlikely to complete a four-year degree. -
January 01, 2019
Global DiplomasType:Article Topics: College- Career- and Life-ReadinessAcademic programs that develop skills for work and productive lives in an interconnected world -
November 01, 2018
Converging With Community Colleges Expands HorizonsType:Article Topics: College- Career- and Life-Readiness, Curriculum & Assessment, District & School OperationsCreative, cooperative arrangements ease the path for students who want to pursue college degrees with less debt. -
September 10, 2018
Achieving the UnthinkableType:Case Study Topics: College- Career- and Life-Readiness, District & School OperationsCase Study: How a high school steadfastly and robustly supports all students as they earn both a traditional and vocational degree—in four years. -
September 10, 2018
Reaching Beyond Limits to Reach Disengaged StudentsType:Case Study Topics: College- Career- and Life-Readiness, District & School OperationsCase Study: How a BOCES and its component districts joined forces to beat resource constraints and build a customized early college high school experience for students -
August 01, 2018
Filling in Skill Gaps With Youth ApprenticeshipsType:Article Topics: College- Career- and Life-ReadinessAASA’s executive director has seen up close the merits of vocational programs for school-agers.
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