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Press Releases
September 23, 2020
Press Release
Brown University Professor Emily Oster and Qualtrics Partner With School Superintendents and Principals Associations to Launch the National COVID-19 School Response DashboardBrown University Professor Emily Oster and Qualtrics Partner With School Superintendents and Principals Associations to Launch the National COVID-19 School Response Dashboard Alexandria, Va. – September 23, 2020 – Today, a collective of national education organizations, researchers and technology expe
September 22, 2020
Press Release
WEBINAR: COVID-19 and Schools: Sneak Peek at the Data DashboardWEBINAR: COVID-19 and Schools: Sneak Peek at the Data Dashboard MEDIA ADVISORY Contact: James Minichello 703-875-0723 703-774-6953 (cell) jminichello@aasa.org Alexandria, Va. – Sept. 22, 2020 – AASA, The School Superintendents Association, is proud to be partnering with Brown University,
September 03, 2020
Press Release
AASA, iTutor Introduce Virtual School to Transform the K-12 Online Teaching and Learning ExperienceAASA, iTutor Introduce Virtual School To Transform The K-12 Online Teaching And Learning Experience FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: James Minichello 703-875-0723 703-774-6953 (cell) jminichello@aasa.org Alexandria, Va. and Jericho, N.Y. – September 3, 2020 – AASA, The School Superintende
September 03, 2020
Press Release
LEADING FOR EQUITY WEBINARLEADING FOR EQUITY WEBINAR MEDIA ADVISORY Contact: James Minichello 703-875-0723 703-774-6953 (cell) jminichello@aasa.org Alexandria, Va. – Sept. 3, 2020 – AASA, The School Superintendents Association , is pleased to host a webinar featuring AASA Executive Committee member Ann Levett,
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