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Press Releases
March 05, 2020
Press Release
School System Leaders Honored at AASA’s National Conference on Education for Earning National Superintendent Certificationchool System Leaders Honored at AASA’s National Conference on Education for Earning National Superintendent Certification FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: James Minichello 703-875-0723 703-774-6953 (cell) jminichello@aasa.org Alexandria, Va. – March 5, 2020 – Public school system leaders
March 04, 2020
Press Release
Nationwide K-12 Champions of Digital Innovation to Meet at Wisconsin’s Pewaukee School DistrictNationwide K-12 Champions of Digital Innovation to Meet at Wisconsin’s Pewaukee School District FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: James Minichello 703-875-0723 703-774-6953 (cell) jminichello@aasa.org AASA’s Transformational Leadership Consortium to Serve as National Leader in Shaping Educa
March 03, 2020
Press Release
2020 International Delegation to the Greek Islands: Mykonos, Santorini and Crete2020 International Delegation to the Greek Islands: Mykonos, Santorini and Crete It's nearly impossible to get a true taste of Greek culture without sampling its flavorful isles. Experience the relaxed lifestyle and meet friendly locals as you visit schools throughout the country. Absorb Hellenic he
February 26, 2020
Press Release
AASA Releases 2019-20 Superintendent Salary StudyAASA Releases 2019-20 Superintendent Salary Study FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: James Minichello 703-875-0723 703-774-6953 (cell) jminichello@aasa.org Alexandria, Va. – Feb. 26, 2020 – As the nation celebrates Public Schools Week , AASA, The School Superintendents Association,
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