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Press Releases
July 23, 2020
Press Release
Dallas Superintendent Testifies on Capitol HillDallas Superintendent Testifies on Capitol Hill FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: James Minichello 703-875-0723 703-774-6953 (cell) jminichello@aasa.org Hearing Focuses on Reopening Schools Alexandria, Va. – July 23, 2020 – Michael Hinojosa, superintendent of the Dallas Independent
July 23, 2020
Press Release
National Communications Groups Honor AASA PublicationsNational Communications Groups Honor AASA Publications FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: James Minichello 703-875-0723 703-774-6953 (cell) jminichello@aasa.org Alexandria, Va. – July 23, 2020 – Association Media and Publishing named School Administrator , the monthly magazine publishe
July 19, 2020
Press Release
AASA Issues Statement on the Passing of Civil Rights Icon John LewisAASA Issues Statement on the Passing of Civil Rights Icon John Lewis FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: James Minichello 703-875-0723 703-774-6953 (cell) jminichello@aasa.org Alexandria, Va. – July 19, 2020 – Today, Daniel A. Domenech, executive director of AASA, The School Superintendents
July 17, 2020
Press Release
AASA President’s Scholarship Awarded to Oregon’s Klamath Union High SchoolAASA President’s Scholarship Awarded to Oregon’s Klamath Union High School FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: James Minichello 703-875-0723 703-774-6953 (cell) jminichello@aasa.org Alexandria, Va. – (July 17, 2020) – AASA, The School Superintendents Association , the nation’s premier organiza
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